
RNAhub (xrRNA)

xrRNA-2bea680d (xrRNA)

The raw output files for each step of the pipeline can be found here.

Input: sequence:


Database: viral

PDB hits:

No hits were detected to the PDB database!

Rfam hits:

 rank     E-value  score  bias  modelname          start    end   mdl trunc   gc  description
  (1) !     7e-09   51.8   0.0  PLRV_xrRNA            11     66 +  cm    no 0.45  Potato leading responsible virus exoribonuclease-resistant R

Rfam accession for PLRV_xrRNA: RF04222
saved to /home/rnahub/rnahub-web/media/jobs//xrRNA-2bea680d/seq+RF04222_seed.fa
cmalign RF04222.cm /home/rnahub/rnahub-web/media/jobs//xrRNA-2bea680d/seq+RF04222_seed.fa > /home/rnahub/rnahub-web/media/jobs//xrRNA-2bea680d/seq+RF04222_seed.sto
/home/rnahub/opt/hmmer/hmmer-3.3.2/bin//esl-alistat /home/rnahub/rnahub-web/media/jobs//xrRNA-2bea680d/seq+RF04222_seed.sto > /home/rnahub/rnahub-web/media/jobs//xrRNA-2bea680d/rfam_stats.txt
cmd: /home/rnahub/opt/hmmer/hmmer-3.3.2/bin//esl-alistat /home/rnahub/rnahub-web/media/jobs//xrRNA-2bea680d/seq+RF04222_seed.sto > /home/rnahub/rnahub-web/media/jobs//xrRNA-2bea680d/rfam_stats.txt
Rscape DONE

Query xrRNA length 199 in the alignment seq+RF04222_seed.sto number of columns with low coverage (<50%) for the query sequence 154; coverge for the query: 23%

R-scape on rfam alignment:

The final alignment (*cacofold.sto) can be found here.

List of covarying basepairs (#8)
In given structure Left Position Right Position Score E-value p-value Substitutions Power
* 23 61 82.24546 3.19586e-07 1.93337e-10 20 0.59
* 24 60 82.58563 2.91328e-07 1.76242e-10 27 0.70
* 25 58 89.03802 5.29296e-08 3.20203e-11 26 0.69
* 26 57 55.71832 0.000358887 2.17112e-07 13 0.42
~ 46 222 51.59297 0.00108268 6.5498e-07 23 0.64
~ 47 221 90.56741 3.51373e-08 2.12567e-11 22 0.63
~ 48 220 91.33131 2.88191e-08 1.74344e-11 18 0.55
~ 49 219 61.23492 8.32684e-05 5.03741e-08 4 0.07
* Base pair in the structure
~ Both residues unpaired in the structure, or no structure is present
' ' At least one residue is involved in other pairing in the structure
avg substitutions per BP  17.7
BPAIRS expected to covary 8.7 +/- 1.8
BPAIRS observed to covary 8
Alignment statistics:
Alignment number:    1
Format:              Stockholm
Number of sequences: 45
Alignment length:    228
Total # residues:    2683
Smallest:            51
Largest:             199
Average length:      59.6
Average identity:    56%

R-scape on nhmmer alignment:

The final nhmmer alignment can be found here.

Alignments from each iteration: iteration 1, iteration 2, iteration 3.

List of covarying basepairs (#5)
In given structure Left Position Right Position Score E-value p-value Substitutions Power
~ 2 36 60.09207 0.00812196 5.15582e-07 37 0.80
~ 8 31 64.16854 0.00245733 1.55991e-07 34 0.78
~ 10 28 85.74422 4.38955e-06 2.78649e-10 31 0.75
~ 18 53 114.05572 1.00902e-09 6.40524e-14 25 0.67
~ 19 52 84.08620 7.13804e-06 4.53123e-10 10 0.32
* Base pair in the structure
~ Both residues unpaired in the structure, or no structure is present
' ' At least one residue is involved in other pairing in the structure
avg substitutions per BP  19.1
BPAIRS expected to covary 10.1 +/- 1.8
BPAIRS observed to covary 5
Alignment statistics:
Alignment number:    1
Alignment name:      xrRNA
Format:              Stockholm
Number of sequences: 71
Alignment length:    203
Total # residues:    11865
Smallest:            93
Largest:             184
Average length:      167.1
Average identity:    60%

R-scape on infernal alignment:

The Infernal alignment can be found here.

List of covarying basepairs (#4)
In given structure Left Position Right Position Score E-value p-value Substitutions Power
~ 9 32 69.86395 0.00103744 6.58569e-08 31 0.75
~ 11 29 87.26142 1.09487e-05 6.95024e-10 29 0.73
* 19 54 118.87457 2.72558e-09 1.7302e-13 19 0.57
* 20 53 84.80969 2.08044e-05 1.32066e-09 12 0.39
* Base pair in the structure
~ Both residues unpaired in the structure, or no structure is present
' ' At least one residue is involved in other pairing in the structure
avg substitutions per BP  21.1
BPAIRS expected to covary 20.4 +/- 2.7
BPAIRS observed to covary 4

Job log: